How to know when it is time?

Our friends at LapOfLove have created excellent resources for helping owners to know when it’s time to consider euthanasia. There are several good resources on this page, including specific recommendations for exotic pets, and the very helpful Lap of Love Quality of Life Scale.

Two important parts of end of life care for pets are palliative care and euthanasia.  Palliative care is treatment designed to improve and maintain quality of life and may focus on things such as assist feeding or control of discomfort. Veterinarians help owners design a palliative care plans specifically to meet the needs of each patient. The video below provides more details.

What is the euthanasia process like?

When quality of life cannot be maintained, and the pet is experiencing increasing distress and suffering, euthanasia is a kind, but often difficult decision. Part of the goals of euthanasia are to absolutely minimize fear or discomfort associated with the procedure. The video below explains the process for exotic pets.