Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic is pleased to partner with a limited number of qualified, licensed wildlife rehabilitators.

AEAC Rehabber Partners Eligibility

Eligible wildlife rehabilitators must meet the following minimum requirements:

-Focus on the rescue, care, and rehabilitation of native wildlife

-Hold a current Indiana state wildlife rehabilitation license from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and if applicable a federal permit from the Department of US Fish and Wildlife*

*While we do work with individuals working under the license of another rehabilitator, only the person listed on the license is authorized to make care decisions. The account holder will be the licensed rehabilitator and they are the ones responsible for payment.

Application Process

Enrollment for our Wildlife Rehabilitator Partners Program is open year-round and renews annually at the beginning of each year. Our team will review all applications as they come in and approved rehabbers will be invited to complete our Wildlife Rehabilitator Partners Program Agreement. Once completed paperwork and proof of license have been returned, Wildlife Rehabilitator Partners Program status and discounts will be granted or reinstated.

Interested in applying? Click here!


AEAC Rehabber Partner Discounts

Wildlife receives a 100% discount on exam fees, radiographs, and basic in-clinic treatments, and a 70% discount for all other services and supplies. This discount does not apply to legally permitted education animals or personal pets, but only to wildlife intended for release. For legally permitted education animals, apply for an Education Center discount. Any wild animal held with a legal pet permit is considered a pet, and discounts for medical care do not apply.

Statements will be emailed at the end of each quarter for payment. Please provide a valid email address in your application.

Please note: Payment is due within 30 days of the statement date. Overdue accounts will result in your group’s loss of Wildlife Rehabber Partner Status and may disqualify you from applying in the future.