The screw noted on radiographs surrounded by a lot of other bits which were later identified as small pebbles
Duck Duck presented with a little wobble in his step, and some head movements that suggested a serious problem with his balance. A radiograph showed he had pick up and eaten a screw from somewhere in his outdoor environment.
Many types of hardware contain zinc or other metals, which can be very toxic. Duck Duck began treatment with a drug to help bind the toxic metal being absorbed from the screw. But eventually the screw needed to come out, not only because Duck Duck was only slightly better on the medication, but because the sharp screw could damage the stomach.
A few days later he was prepared for endoscopic surgery: the endoscope entered his stomach through an incision in the crop, and a special instrument called a basket forcep (we like to call it "The Claw," ) was used to grab the screw and pull it out.
Duck Duck did well, and is expected to make a full recovery. In the meantime his family is scouring the enclosure with metal detectors to be sure he doesn't try for seconds!
The endoscopic view of inside Duck Duck's ventriculus (part of the stomach also known as the gizzard). The Claw is seen approaching the screw.
The screw (posed with a pen for size reference)
Duck Duck, a few hours after surgery