At the end of this week, Dr. Woods will successfully complete her year long internship in exotic animal medicine at Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic. She will go on to a second internship at Oklahoma State University.
We will miss her enthusiasm and dedication, and wish her good luck!
From Dr. Woods:
Here I am at the end of what I can definitely call the best year of my career! Even though I have not been practicing medicine for very long, I know that I could not have asked for a better mentor to learn from, staff to work with, and city to live in. I never imagined how much I would learn at this amazing clinic, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't change a single part of this experience! Thanks so much to my clients, my dear friends at the Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic, and especially to Dr. Lennox for taking the time and energy to teach me so many valuable lessons throughout the past year. You have all been a major part of the person and the doctor I have become, and I truly appreciate each and every one of you.
Lindsey M. Woods, DVM