Another Visitor's Report


Here is a message from Dr. Sergio Rodríguez from Spain, who spent some time as an observer here with us: sergioI've been here just for a month, maybe it is a very little period of time but also enough for seeing the wonderful way of working they have. It's been the first time I've seen CRIs of ketamine in small mammals and avian species, and the awesome protocols of anesthesia and analgesia they use. The rabbits recovered very fast from the anesthesia and the surgery (even gastrostomies) and also started to eating very quickly after that. I also saw a very interesting surgery in a moluccan cockatoo with reproductive disorders (spaying, cloacopexy and cloacoplasty in the same surgery) and many many surgeries in rats (unusual pet in Spain but increasingly popular).  I've learnt many things here and the staff is been always very kind with my from the technicians until the doctors so I've to say thanks to all them for this experience!