Every spring we brace for the onslaught of injured and orphaned wildlife. The weather is warming up and we saw our first group of orphaned rabbits today so baby wildlife season is upon us!
Here's our yearly reminder on what to do if you encounter injured or orphaned wildlife. Please click the here for more information. In the majority of cases, wildlife you encounter doesn’t actually need help. When they do, we are here to help. As always, we do not charge anything for the care of wild animals, but we are always in need of donations! Here is what is needed most:
- Towels, washcloths, blankets and fleeces
- Paper Towels, Dawn dish soap, bleach
- Heating pads
- Food: Kitten Milk Replacer (powdered), powdered goats milk, baby bird handfeeding formula, jars of (human) baby food
- Simple monetary contributions
As always, please call us if you have any questions! 317-879-8633