Traveling tips for cold weather!


While it’s best to travel with exotic pets when the weather is nice, lots of our patients still have to come to see us when it’s not so great!  A few precautions can help make cold weather travel safer and more comfortable. 1. Warm up the car first.

2. Use a travel warmer under the cage or under a blanket in the cage. These can be chemical warmers you can find at stores selling outdoor equipment, or something as simple as a sock filled with rice heated in the microwave, or a microwaved potato!  With chemical warmers, be sure the pet can’t find it and chew it up during the trip.  We will be happy to re-microwave your rice or potato for you for the trip home.

3. Cover the cage with a warm blanket for the short walk from the house-car and car-clinic.

4. Don’t forget to buckle up-you and your pet!  We highly recommend pets travel in a secure carrier that is secured with a seat belt. This will help protect the pet and passengers in case of an accident.