The staff was surprised to see a commercial trash truck pull into the parking lot across the street from the clinic, and the driver rush in carrying a box of birds. The driver had found the wild birds trapped in sticky goo, and left in a box along with the trash to throw away. The driver risked his job to take the truck off the route to get the birds help!
Cleaning them up was no easy task! Each bird was sedated, cleansed, rinsed and dried. The whole process took the better part of an hour and the the birds rested quietly overnight in a warm incubator while they dried. The next day, our amazing bird rehabbers Liz and Chris Hatton came and picked them up. They report that these little guys have made a full recovery, were released, and still visit their feeders occasionally!
Our Good Samaritan Focus: The Amazing Trash Rescue
We just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to the trash truck driver and all the wonderful folks out there who care enough about our native wildlife to bring them here for help! We couldn't continue our wildlife mission without you!